• Local/UTC lets you choose to display the date and time in UTC (Greenwich Mean
Time) time or local time offset from UTC time. The default setting is local with a ‘0’
offset. (If you are boating in the United States, be sure to enter a negative time indi-
cator in front of the appropriate time offset for your location).
• Tone Selection lets you select an audible tone to sound for either messages and
keystroke confirmation (the default setting), messages only, or not to sound at all
(the tone selection does not affect the external alarm operation).
• Display Contrast provides a slide bar to adjust the LCD screen contrast in order
to compensate for changes in temperature or lighting conditions.
• Backlight Timeout provides an automatic shutoff for the GPSMAP 130’s screen
backlighting. Six settings are available: No Timeout (the backlight will stay on until
it is turned off), 15 seconds (default setting); 30 seconds; and 1, 2, or 4 minutes.
Keeping the timeout at the lowest acceptable setting will prolong the life of the
The system setup page also features an options page that allows you to quickly
reset all the system setup options to the factory default settings and define speed,
course and position values while in simulator mode (see Getting Started Tour).
To view the system setup page options:
1. Press the
To restore the default settings:
1. Highlight the ‘Restore Defaults?’ option, and press
A. The tone preference will not affect external alarm
B. Keeping the backlight timeout at the lowest
acceptable setting will prolong the useful life of the
System Setup
& System Setup Options
gps 130 7/23/98 9:22 AM Page 59
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