Garmin GVN 53 User Manual

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Summary of Contents

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GVN 53owner’s manual

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4 GVN 53 Owner’s Manualfind it and Go!Following Your RouteAfter you select Go To (see the previous page), the Map page opens to guide you to your des

Page 3 - Table of ConTenTs

GVN 53 Owner’s Manual 5Where to?Where To?Finding an Address ➊ From the Menu page, select Where To? Select Address.➍Enter the street name. Then selec

Page 4

6 GVN 53 Owner’s ManualWhere to?Understanding the When you nd a place, select it in the search results list to open the item’s Infor

Page 5 - GVN 53 Owner’s Manual iii

GVN 53 Owner’s Manual 7Where to?You can search for locations in a different area, such as a different city or near

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8 GVN 53 Owner’s ManualMy LocationSSaving You can save any place you nd in the Where To? menu as a Favorite. Then, you

Page 7 - GeTTinG sTarTed

GVN 53 Owner’s Manual 9My LocationSYou can save any place as a Favorite directly from the Map page by browsing the map and

Page 8 - Entering Data

10 GVN 53 Owner’s ManualMy LocationSSetting a You can set a Home Location for the place you return to most often. Press the Menu button,

Page 9 - Finding a Restaurant

GVN 53 Owner’s Manual 11My LocationSEditing Saved Press the Menu button twice. Then select My Data > Favorites. ➊Select Edit/Review Favorit

Page 10 - Following Your Route

12 GVN 53 Owner’s ManualMy LocationSPress the Menu button twice. Then select My Data > Favorites.➍ Select Delete.➊Select De

Page 11 - Finding an Address

GVN 53 Owner’s Manual 13VieWinG the MaP and USinG the tooLSVieWinG The Map and UsinG The ToolsViewing the Press the Map button on the remote

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June 2007 Part Number 190-00832-00 Rev. A Printed in Taiwan© 2007 Garmin Ltd. or its subsidiariesGarmin International, Inc. 1200 East 151st Street,

Page 13 - Narrowing Your Search

14 GVN 53 Owner’s ManualVieWinG the MaP and USinG the tooLSThe Trip Computer indicates your current speed and records helpful statistics

Page 14 - My loCaTions

GVN 53 Owner’s Manual 15VieWinG the MaP and USinG the tooLSPress the Menu button twice and select Navigation > GPS Info to view GPS s

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16 GVN 53 Owner’s ManualcreatinG and editinG roUteSCreaTinG and ediTinG roUTesCreating a New Saved RoutePress the Menu button twice to open the Tools

Page 16 - Finding 

GVN 53 Owner’s Manual 17creatinG and editinG roUteSEditing a Saved RoutePress the Menu button twice. Then select My Data > Routes. Rename—enter a

Page 17 - Editing Saved 

18 GVN 53 Owner’s ManualcreatinG and editinG roUteSAdding Stops to Your RouteYou can add stops (also called via points or midpoints) to your route as

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GVN 53 Owner’s Manual 19creatinG and editinG roUteSSaving the Active RoutePress the Menu button twice and select My Data > Routes > Save Activ

Page 19 - Tips for Browsing the Map

20 GVN 53 Owner’s ManualcreatinG and editinG roUteSAdding AvoidancesPress the Menu button three times to open the Settings menu. Select Navigation &g

Page 20 - Turn List

GVN 53 Owner’s Manual 21USinG the LoGSAdjusting the Track LogAs you travel, the navigator creates a bread crumb trail (track log) of your movement. P

Page 21 - GPS Settings

22 GVN 53 Owner’s ManualXM radio, Weather, and StockSXM radio, WeaTher, and sToCksActivating Your If you purchased an optional XM antenna

Page 22 - Creating a New Saved Route

GVN 53 Owner’s Manual 23XM radio, Weather, and StockSListening to XM RadioNOTE: You must have an XM antenna and a subscription to XM Radio to listen

Page 23 - Editing a Saved Route

GVN 53 Owner’s Manual iPrefaceTable of ConTenTsWarning ... iiiCaution ...

Page 24 - Adding Stops to Your Route

24 GVN 53 Owner’s ManualXM radio, Weather, and StockSSaving Your Favorite Channels as Presets➌Select Current Channel to add the channel you are list

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GVN 53 Owner’s Manual 25XM radio, Weather, and StockSXM1, 2, and 3Three sets of presets, XM1, XM2, and XM3, are provided for you. Within each set of

Page 26 - Creating Custom Avoids

26 GVN 53 Owner’s ManualXM radio, Weather, and StockSViewing XM WeatherPress the Menu button twice. Then select Weather. NOTE: You must have an XM

Page 27 - UsinG The loGs

GVN 53 Owner’s Manual 27XM radio, Weather, and StockSViewing Your ForecastPress the Menu button twice. Then select Weather > Forecast. XM Weather

Page 28 - Activating Your 

28 GVN 53 Owner’s ManualXM radio, Weather, and StockSViewing Weather on the MapPress the Menu button twice. Then select Weather > View On Map. The

Page 29 - Listening to XM Radio

GVN 53 Owner’s Manual 29traffic inforMationTraffiC inforMaTionUsing an optional FM trafc receiver or XM smart antenna, the navigation system can rec

Page 30 - Saving a Preset

30 GVN 53 Owner’s Manualtraffic inforMationAvoiding The Map page displays a when there is a trafc event on your current route or on the road

Page 31 - Scanning for Artists

GVN 53 Owner’s Manual 31traffic inforMationNorth MeaningInternational Road ConditionRoad ConstructionCongestionA

Page 32 - Getting Current Conditions

32 GVN 53 Owner’s Manualtraffic inforMationAdding an To add a trafc subscription, press the Menu button three times t

Page 33 - Checking for County Warnings

GVN 53 Owner’s Manual 33chanGinG the SettinGSAdjusting the Press Menu to open the Menu page. Then select Volume. Select the and to adjust t

Page 34 - Viewing Weather on the Map

ii GVN 53 Owner’s ManualPrefaceChanging the Trafc Settings ...31Adding an FM Trafc Receiver Subscription ...

Page 35 - TraffiC inforMaTion

34 GVN 53 Owner’s ManualchanGinG the SettinGSVoice Language—change the language for all voice prompts and messages. Select the voice you want to use

Page 36 - Severity Color Code

GVN 53 Owner’s Manual 35chanGinG the SettinGSCustomizing the Audio SettingsAudio SettingsPress Menu three times. Then select General > Audio.Guida

Page 37 - Changing the 

36 GVN 53 Owner’s ManualchanGinG the SettinGSTurning Safe Mode Off and OnPress Menu three times. Then select General > Safe Mode. When Safe Mode i

Page 38 - 32 GVN 53 Owner’s Manual

GVN 53 Owner’s Manual 37chanGinG the SettinGSChanging the Map SettingsPress Menu three times. Then select Map. Map Detail—adjust the amount of deta

Page 39 - ChanGinG The seTTinGs

38 GVN 53 Owner’s ManualchanGinG the SettinGSMap Data Fields—customize the width and contents of the data elds displayed on the map page. Normal is

Page 40 - 34 GVN 53 Owner’s Manual

GVN 53 Owner’s Manual 39chanGinG the SettinGSText Size—adjust the display size of text on the map. Zoom Level Detail—customize which map items appear

Page 41 - Selecting Units

40 GVN 53 Owner’s ManualchanGinG the SettinGSContinuous Auto Routing—enable or disable the Continuous Auto Routing feature. This feature allows the n

Page 42 - Setting Audio Mute Polarity

GVN 53 Owner’s Manual 41chanGinG the SettinGSAdvanced Screen Settings—these settings are intended for installers only. If you inadvertently change th

Page 43 - Changing the Map Settings

42 GVN 53 Owner’s ManualaPPendiXappendiXThe remote control uses two AAA batteries. Do not mix old and new batteries together.

Page 44 - 1/2, 2/2, 1/3?

GVN 53 Owner’s Manual 43aPPendiXClearing All User DataYou can clear all user data, including all Favorites, routes, custom POIs, tracks, mileage logs

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GVN 53 Owner’s Manual iiiPrefaceWarningThis manual uses the term Warning to indicate a potentially hazardous situation, which, if not avoided, could

Page 46 - Adjusting the Screen Settings

44 GVN 53 Owner’s ManualaPPendiXFinding Custom POIsTo view a list of the custom POIs loaded in your navigation system, select Tools > My Data >

Page 47 - Restoring the Settings

GVN 53 Owner’s Manual 45aPPendiXthe system before the changes take effect.Weather Data WarrantyTHE WEATHER DATA SOFTWARE PRODUCT IS PROVIDED “AS IS.”

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Page 49 - 2. Select

GVN 53 Owner’s Manual 47aPPendiXof the product. Title, ownership rights, and intellectual property rights in and to the Software remain in Garmin.You

Page 50 - Deleting All Custom POIs

48 GVN 53 Owner’s ManualindeXindeXAadding an XM subscription 22adding a trafc subscription 32add as Favorite 6advanced screen settings 40, 41aud

Page 51 - Limits On Our Responsibility

GVN 53 Owner’s Manual 49indeXMmap 13browsing 13customizing 37orientation 37updating 42zoom 14map datum 36metric units 35midpoints in the rout

Page 52 - Software 

50 GVN 53 Owner’s ManualindeXspell 7stops in the route 18stop navigation 19symbol for locations 11Ttext language 34time 35track log 21track up

Page 53 - Industry Canada Compliance

GVN 53 Owner’s Manual 51 This Garmin product is warranted to be free from defects in materials or workmanship for one year from the d

Page 54 - 48 GVN 53 Owner’s Manual

For the latest free software updates (excluding map data) throughout the life of your Garmin products, visit the Garmin Web site at©

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iv GVN 53 Owner’s ManualPrefaceFailure to avoid the following potentially hazardous situations may result in injury or property damage.The navigation

Page 56 - 50 GVN 53 Owner’s Manual

GVN 53 Owner’s Manual 1GettinG StartedGeTTinG sTarTedYour new navigation system comes with a remote control. To use the remot

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2 GVN 53 Owner’s ManualGettinG StartedManual ConventionsWhen you are instructed to “press” something, you should press that button on the remote cont

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GVN 53 Owner’s Manual 3find it and Go!find iT and Go!Using the remote control, follow the instructions on the next two pages to nd a place and go to

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